Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

The Correlation Between Grammar Mastery To Translation Skill


A. Background
Learn a language means to learn its four integrated skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students. should master those four skills if they want their ideas, feeling and opinion can be understood by the interlucotor. However, the mastery of these four skills is influenced by the mastery of language components. One of the language components that affect the mastery of language skills is Grammar. As (Hamer, 1991 : 22) says, "Grammar is important component in learning English in order to gain competency in using English".
There are many grammatical items in English. They cover several parts such as tenses, nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, active and passive sentences. adverb, clauses and conjunction (Mas'ud in Mukminin, 1998 : 1). These are foundation for students in studying English. They will help them to be able to make the sentences grammatically correct both in speaking and in writing. Writing also tends to be more formal than Speaking in the sense that more concious manipulation of vocabulary and syntax take place (Ronald Wardhough, 1972 : 12). For example, in Speaking, tenses can help students to produce grammatical utterances. A second language learner will not have a good performance in his/her speech although he/she knows what to say, because the lack of grammar's knowledge especially the rules in tenses.

This also can happen in writing. Second language learner will be easy to write sentences grammatically correct, so, the reader can understand what he/she write about. Concerning the situation above, it is important for students to know the rules and function of each part of grammatical structure.
Grammatical items are quiet complicated to be learnt by the students, since each items has certain rules that must be followed while using them in language. There are three types of Grammatical: (1) Orthography is learn how to write and spell the letter, (2) Etymology is learn how to arrange the letter into a word, (3) Syntax is learn how to arrange the words into a sentence (Harry Mc Charty, 2000 : 11). However, to discuss all grammatical items in English language seem impossible. Based on it, this research will focus on one of the aspects, which usually create persistence problem in language teaching and learning activities.
In this case, the script-writer is interested to investigate The Correlation Between Grammar Mastery To Translation Skill. The script-writer's interest in describing this research derives from thinking of considerable that beginner students get doubt how to translate correctly, or how to write a real correct translation according to the linguistic method. Script-writer meets the fact through an incidental observation by having English conversation with the Freshman and Sophomore friends of English study program and having conversation with some sources that give information about the lack of knowledge in grammatical context. Nevertheless, there are still certain rules of using tenses in grammatical context, which should be comprehended in order to avoid creating persistent error.
The fifth semester students at English study program who have studied structure 1, 11, 111 and IV, and Syntax are supposed to understand and familiar with this problem. They probably recognize their strength and weaknesses on this discussion. Then, they motivate themselves to improve this mastery in the next structure subject.
Therefore, it might be relevant for the script-writer investigate how is the Fifth Semester Students of English Department of the State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi in comprehending of grammatical context. And this research is entitled: "The Correlation Between Grammar Mastery To Translation Skill". (Study cases on the fifth semester students of English department of Tarbiyah Faculty of The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Academic year 2003-2004)

B. The Formulation of The Problems
This research problem is formulated in the following questions:
1. How is the students skill to translate some familiar tense in form of sentences?
2. How is the correlation between grammar mastery to translation skill?

C. The Limitation of the Problem
This research focused on investigating on fifth semester students of English department of the State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Academic year 2003-2004 in comprehending of grammatical context, so the script - writer connected it to the students' Translation skill.

D. The Purpose of the Research
The purpose of the research is:
1. To know the students skill to translate some familiar tense in form of sentences
2. To know the correlation between grammar mastery to translation skill.

E. The Significance of the Research
The result of this research will be expected to contribute some advantages that not only for the script-writer to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree, but also for the teachers and the students.
1. For the teachers, script-writer hopes that they will find a good solution in teaching grammatical structures, especially in some grammatical context.
2. For the students, script-writer hopes that by knowing and learning about how to translate correctly, hopefully they will be able to apply them in sentences both in spoken and in written form.

F. The Frame of Work
1. Correlation
Correlation is closely related or connected of two things, or show such relation between two things. In other word make close relationship or connection of two things. (Oxford Dictionary, 1995 : 97).
2. Mastery
Mastery is great skill of knowledge to do something for specific purposes. (Homby, 1974 : 777).
3. Grammar
Grammar is explanation that describe the rules for forming words and making sentences (Sentence is a group of words that creates complete meaning or sense (Wren, 1983 : 1). declares that at one level these units are words. So, it can be inferred that a sentence is a serial of words that has subject, predicate, object to make a complete sense, or the rules in making sentences according to the rules of grammar. (Homby, 1974 : 182).
In this chapter, script-writer will discuss about some familiar grammar, which are consist of Simple Present Tenses, Simple Past Tenses, Simple Present Continuous Tenses, Simple Future Sentence and Simple Perfect Tenses in form of sentences. The script-writer will discuss about the conception and the usage of that Tenses in a simple sentences.
1. Simple Present Tenses.
According to (Betty, 1989 : 2), she state in general, the simple present tenses expresses events or situations that exist always, usually, habitually; they exist now, have existed in the past and probably will exist in the future she add too in the same book that the simple present says that something was true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact. Simple present tenses is used to express habitual or everyday activity. The simple present tenses may indicate a situation that exists right now, at the moment of speaking. For the conception of using Simple present tenses in sentences, we can see the example below;
STATEMENT (I, You, We, They) work
(He, She, It) works
NAGATIVE (I, You, We, They) do not work
He, She, It) does not work
QUESTION Do (I, You, We, They) work ?
Does (He, She, It) work ?]
2. Simple Past Tenses.
According to (Betty, 1989 : 18), Past Tenses is used to talk about activities or situation that began and ended at a particular time in the past, she added most as simple past verbs are formed by adding -ed to a verb. For the conception of using Simple past tenses in sentences. we can see the example below;
STATEMENT ( I, You, We, They, He, She, It) worked yesterday
NEGATIVE (I, You, We, They, He, She, It) did not work yesterday QUESTION Did ( 1, You, We, They, He, She, It ) work yesterday ?
3. Simple Continuous Tenses (Simple Present Progressive).
According to (Betty, 1989 : 11), The progressive expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It began in the recent past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future. She added that the progressive tenses give the idea that an action is in progress during a particular time. The tenses say that an action began before, is in progress during, and continues after another time or action. For the conception of using Simple continuous tenses (progressive tenses) in sentences, we can see the example below;
STATEMENT ( I ) am studying English
(You, We, They) are playing football
(He, She, It) is sleeping right now
NEGATIVE ( I ) am not studying English
(You, We, They) are not playing football
(He, She, It) is not sleeping right now
QU ESTION To he ( I ) studying English
To he (You, We, They) playing football
To be (He, She, It) sleeping right now
4. Simple Future Tenses.
According to (Betty, 1989 : 47). There are some means to express the Future time. "...future time is rendered by means of Modal Auxiliaries, by semi-auxiliaries, or by the simple present of present progressive forms "The Modal Auxiliary which indicates the future times are "will" and "be going to". Quirk adds that, "The most common way of expressing futurity is the Modal Auxiliary construction with "will" or "ll". For the conception of using Simple continuous tenses (progressive tenses) in sentences, we can see the example below;
STATEMENT (I, You, We, They, He, She, It) will come tomorrow
NEGATIVE (I, You, We, They, He, She, It ) will not come tomorrow QUESTION will (I, You, We, They, He, She, It) come tomorrow ?
5. Simple Perfect Tenses.
According to (Betty, 1989 : 29), The present perfect tenses expresses the idea that something happened (or never happened) before now, at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time it happened is not important. The present perfect also expresses the repetition of an activity before now. The present perfect also, when used with for or since expresses a situation that began in the past and continuous to the present. For the conception of using Simple continuous tenses (progressive tenses) in sentences, we can see the example below;
STATEMENT (I, You, We. They ) have written a letter
(He, She, It) has written a letter
NEGATIVE (I, You, We, They ) have not written a letter
(He, She, It ) has not written a letter
QUESTION Have ( I, You, We, They ) have written a letter
Has (He, She, It) has written a letter

4. Skill
Skill is power to do something that physical or mental, cleverness, intelligence or special natural power to do something, skill or power to do something. (Homby, 1974 : 2).
5. Translation (Translate)
Translation or translate is put something in form of written or spoken in different language. (Oxford Dictionary, 1995 : 441).

G. Hypothesis

According to the title and the problems that script-writer adopting or researcher, script-writer use work or alternative hypothesis that is symboled with Ha or Ho. Work or Alternative hypothesis to sound the relation or significant differentiate or influenced between variables that is researched. Because of the research is quantitative characteristic, so hypothesis of the research is tentative hypothesis that constructed based on the problem that is; If the students' mastery in grammar, hence he/she will good in translation, on the contrary, If the students' not mastery in grammar, hence he/she will not good in translation.


A. Scope of Research
This research will be done at The Fifth Semester Student of English Department Tarbiyah Faculty of The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Academic Year 2003 - 2004.

B. Kinds of Data and Data Sources

1. Kinds of Data
There were two kinds of data collected in this research. They were qualitative data and quantitative data. The qualitative data got based on the field notes made during the teaching and learning process, interview, observations, test, documentations, and questionnaire. The data to be used for this research are :
a. Primary Data
In the form of original data which is the writer got from informant and responder which is writer took directly through perception and interview (observation) related to problem of accurate.
Primary Data in this research are :
1. English lecturers
2. Fifth Semester Students of English Department of The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
b. Secondary Data

In the form of original data which is the writer got from document and non document. And be coming secondary data in this research shall be as follows:
1. History and Geographies of Tarbiyah Faculty State Institute for Islamic. Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
2. The Organization of Tarbiyah Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
3. Lecturers' and students' condition of Tarbiyah Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.
4. Facility of Tarbiyah Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Sources of Data

To get information data in this research, the writer will take the data following sources:
1. Head of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty The State Institute for Islamic Studies SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi.
2. English lecturers
3. Documentation and related/relevant literature.

C. Design of The Research
The research was done to know the the correlation between grammar mastery to translation skill some of familiar tenses in form of sentences (X1) and mastery of grammatical (X2). But, it was not only to know or to check hypothesis or related literature it self. This research will explain about the lecturing process of the subject grammar.

Capability translation (X1)

Correlation X1 X2

Capability mastery of grammatical (X2)

D. Population and Sample
1. The Population
The research population will encompass all The fifth semester students of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Academic Year 2003-2004. The numbers of population are 45 students. The stipulation of this population based on the facts that all of the students have been taking the subject of structure I, II, Ill, and IV. So, they are assumed to have been familiar much about the material in using some tenses in sentences. By recognizing their strength and weaknesses at this period, hopefully the students can take the result of this research as a reflection to get improvement in the next subject.
2. The Sample

Sample is the part of respondents or representative of the population that will be investigated (Arikunto, 1996 : 117 ). Furthermore, (Ary, 1997 : 160) says that sample is a portion of population that is concept that involves taking a portion of population making observation on this smaller group and then generalizing the finding of large population. In this research, sample that will be taken on the fifth Semester Students of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of the State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Academic Year 2003-2004 in which the number is about 45 students. Because, the number of sample is only 45 students, the research will apply Total Sampling. The stipulation of this technique based on the remarks, that if the number of the person is less than 100, it will be better if we take all of the population as the sample (Arikonto, 1993 : 142).
As the number of the population of this research is less than 100 persons, they consist of 45 persons. Accordingly, all of the Students of English Department Academic Year 2003-2004 will become the sample of this research.
The total number of the sample can be discerned in table 1 below :

Table 1 : The Sample of the Students of English Department Academic year 2003-2004.
Number of Class Male Female Number of Sample
A 11 10 21
B 6 18 24
Total: 45
E. The Method of Data Collecting
1. Observation
Script-writer does observation about the phenomenon systematically in this research observation is used to see the situation on the Fifth Semester Students of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Academic Year 2003-2004.
2. Test
To obtain the data, the script-writer used test. Test is the list of questions, drills, which are utilized to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, achievement, or aptitude that belong to individuals or group (Arikunto, 1993 : 138). The test that will be used is simple completion test in form of inflection test. In this test, students' will be asked to translate the sentences from English to Indonesian language. The test will consist of 25 items, 5 question for each tenses. They are used to measure students' skill in translation.
3. Documentation
Documentation is a method used to look for the data regarding something or variables like notes, transcript, books, newspapers, magazines, and meetings (Arikunto, 1996 : 234). This method is used to get information of geographic condition, lecturers' condition, facilities, and the students' score.

4. Interview
Interview covers the manners is used to get information of respondents' opinion orally by conversation and "face to face relation" (Koentjara Ningrat, 1995 : 124). By interviewing, it's hoped it can add information and data.
5. Questionnaire
Questionnaire was given by script-writer with hope in the data collecting can achieved. (Ary, 1972 : 150), say that questionnaire is typically more efficient and practical and follow for the use of large simple, (Ary, 1972 : 169)

F. Data Analysis
There were two kinds of data collected in this research. They were quantitative data and qualitative data.
1. The Quantitative Data
The quantitative data was achieved based on the students' score are take from the test in mastery of grammar.
The gathered data was analyzed and scored in qualitative numbers. The researcher just counted the correct answer from the test and used certain statistical formula in scoring. The formula that was used as follows:
X = x 100

(Johanses, 1995 in Mukmunin 1998) In which:

X = the ultimate result of the students' score
R = the correct answer
S = the number of test item

After the number of the correct answer has been calculated, both at the first and at the second test, then those scores were displayed into frequency distribution to describe the number of students who belong to certain categories of the correlation between grammar mastery to translation skill.
2. The Qualitative Data
The qualitative data got based on the field notes made during the teaching and learning process, interview, observations, test, documentations, and questionnaire. The Qualitative data, the script-writer use the method of analysis below;
A. Domain Analysis

The Domain Analysis is done to get general or comprehensive description and meaning concerning what the main problem will be investigated. Based on this analysis can he known that the use of domain analysis can give the description and meaning of research problem (Faisal, 1990 : 91). This Analysis is utilized to analysis the data relating to general description of research location. Namely: Geographic condition, the History of Establishment. facilities and Students and Lecturers Situation.
B. Taxonomy Analysis

The Taxonomy Analysis is to differences a domain in a problem, to show a connection between all special categories in the domain. Taxonomic is to connect sub category by comprehensively. This Analysis is utilized to analysis. the data on the fifth semester in the correlation between grammar mastery to translation skill at English Department of The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi of Academic year 2003-2004.
C. Componential Analysis

Componential Analysis is information verification by participant observation or interview and included all of the information in a paradigm. Componential Analysis taken from interview and, observation, these data has been selected which are used to get more objective and more concrete data.

G. Validity

In constructing a valid test that was used in this research, it focused on the content validity of the test. (Ary, 1972 : 197) describes that content validity refers to which the instrument represents the content of interest in assessing the content validity of measuring an instrument, it should be concerned with the question: "How well does the content of the instrument represent the entire matters which might be measured?" He further states that in order to gain content validity, a test must adequately sample of the matters are expected to achieve.
To sustain the content validity of the test as it described above, the researcher tested the students by using standardized grammar tests, which are related to Simple Present Tenses, Simple Past Tenses, Simple Present Continuous Tenses, Simple Future Sentence and Simple Perfect Tenses in form 'of sentences. Therefore, the instruments were taken from "Understanding and Using English Grammar" (Azzar, 1992 : 25), "Fundamental of English Grammar" (Azzar, 1993 : 36), and "Practical English Grammar" (Thomson and Martinet, 1986 : 49) as the source of references.

H. Reliability

Reliability means the stability of the test score (Harris, 1979 : 14). It refers to the extent to which the test is consistent in measuring whatever it measures. To seek out the reliability of the test, this research employed Product Moment Correlation - Technique. The test was given to the same subject twice at different time. The procedure for determining test-reliability in this research based on the procedure given by (Gay, 1992 : 163). The procedures are: first, administer the test to an appropriate group. Then, after some time has passed about two weeks, administer the same test to the same group. Next, correlate the two sets of scores. Finally, evaluate the result.
In addition, (Gay, 1992 : 163) also stated the reason why the second test should be administered after two weeks was:
“..…The interval is too short. the chances of students remembering responses made on the test at the first time are increased, and estimate of reliability tends to be artificially high. If the interval is too long, the students' ability to do well on the test may increase due to intervening learning or maturation, and estimate or reliability tends to artificially low".

In order to find reliability of the test, the researcher calculated the first score and the second score using Pearson formula.
r =

(Pearson in Ary, 1972 : 199)

In which:

r : Pearson

x : The sum of scores in X - (first test) distribution

y : The sum of scores in Y - (second test) distribution

x2 : The sum of the squared in X (first test) distribution

y2 : The sum of the squared in Y (second test) distribution

N : The number of the tast

I. Procedure
The correlation between the mastery of grammatical with the students' capability in translation can he graded. The following gradual range was used to decide the grade of the students' ability:
91 – 100 = Excellent
81-90 = Above average
71-80 = Average
61 -70 = Below average
51-60 = Insufficient
41-50 = Poor
< 40 = Very poor
(Nurgiantoro, 1988 : 154)

The procedure above used in frequency distribution of the first and second test result gained by the students

J . Recearch Schedule

The schedule of the research as below :

NO Activities Months
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Preparation of proposal X
2 Improvement of proposal X
3 Preparation of seminar X
4 Improvement of seminar X
5 Research permit X
6 Instrument preparation X
7 Research X
8 Data analysis X
9 Report preparation X
10 Final report

A. History and Geographies
1. History
1.1. History of Tarbiyah Faculty
On 23 May 1963 Syari'ah Faculty of AI-Hikmah was founded as the first faculty in State Institute for Islamic Studies of Jambi. It had motivated the officials, scholar of Islam (ulama), and Jambi society leaders Jambi, to establish State Institute for Islamic Studies Jambi to the central government. Because of established Syari'ah Faculty, and AI-Ma’arif foundation had fulfilled the criteria for establish the state Institute for Islamic Studies.
The government of Jambi organized a conference among the officials, scholar of Islam, society leaders, and Ma’arif foundation to discuss about State Institute for Islamic Studies establishment. On 7 November 1965 sent delegation to meet Minister of Religious Affairs to get an admission to preparation of State Institute for Islamic Studies establishment committee.
On 27 July 1962 the Minister of Religious Affairs published a letter recommendation of establishing State Institute for Islamic Studies named Jami’ah Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, No.4811967 concerning State owned Tarbiyah Faculty, and Syari’ah of Ma’arif foundation as Tarbiyah Faculty, and Ushuludin Faculty in State Institute for Islamic studies Jambi. And while waiting for President'.% letter of recommended to Drs. Z. Azuan as the dean of Tarbiyah Faculty, K.H.A. Qadir Ibrahim as the bean of Ushuludin Faculty. Since the letter of recommendation noticed, so the Tarbiyah Faculty is a Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies Jambi. And on 8 September 1967, it organized a legitimating of ceremony in state Institute for Islamic studies of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi by Minister of Religious Affair Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri. Next Ma’arif Foundation as the faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies Jambi, continue to develop and nowadays the Tarbiyah Faculty has four departments, as follows : Islamic Education Department, Tadris Department, Arabic Department., and Education in Islamic. (documentation of the library of the State Institute for Islamic Studies)

1.2. History of Tadris bepartment
The lack of the teachers in subject such as Physics, Math, Biology, and English in schools which under prated by Religious Department to be a problem in Islam education. Based on this condition and look at the constitution No.2 / 1989, about system of National education in article 28 verse 3, states : Teachers procurement in Elementary, Senior, an Junior high schools foundationally organized by teaching Institution, a decision of' Minister of' Religious Affair
No.416 / 1993, about statue of State Institute for Islamic Studies Jambi, article 58, verse 1, that: addition and closing the department or study program in each faculty is decided by General Director of Islamic Institution Development, and look at meeting on 29 June 1999, the leaders of Tarbiyah Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies Jambi, and head of Islamic Institution Development Jambi province about the teachers necessity in Physic, Math, Biology, and English in Madrasah Tsanawiyah, and Madrasah Aliyah school.
This motive the Tarbiyah Faculty of State for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, to establish a Tadris department. And then an application of Tadris department opening as a department in Tarbiyah Faculty proposed to Head of Institute. Nowadays, Tadris Department has established, its programs are : English, Biology, Physic, and Math. (interview with the Head of Tadris Department 29 September 2005)

2. Geographici of Tarhiyah Faculty

In Tarbiyah faculty area, there are two locations of campus, first ; at Telanaipura, its area is about 10 hectares. The West border is a Pemancar street. the East border is on Arif Rahman Hakim, street, the North border is on Logistic office, the South border is on social Community. It's used for teaching and learning process as follow : English, Physic, Biology, Math, Diploma two, and Extension program. The second area is in Sei. Duren, its wide is about 80 hectares, the West border is on High way, the North border is on people plantation, side Sound border on People plantation, and side East border on people plantation. In this campus, the teaching and learning process done by Arabic, Islamic Education, and KI program the second area is in Sei. Duren, its wide is about 80 hectares, the West border is on High way, the North border is on people plantation, side Sound border on People plantation, and side East border on people plantation.. (Interview, Head general administration of Tarbiyah Faculty 28 September 2005).

B. Organization

C. Lecturers' and students' condition of Tarbiyah Faculty

1. Lecturers' Condition of Tarbiyah Faculty

No Name Position Occupation
91 Drs. Marzuki Arsyad Ash, MA
Drs.Nashrul Shidik, M.Pd
Drs Jafni Nawawi, M.Pd
Drs. H. Martinis Yamin, M.Pd
Pror. Dr. H. Muntholib, SM, MS
Drs. H. Mawardi Sadin
Drs.H. Hadri Hasan, MA
Dr. Natsir Luts, M.Pd
Drs. H. Abdul Rauf Ibrahirn
Drs.Ibrahim M Ali
Drs.Abdullah Sani
Drs. Marzuki Arsyad Ash, MA
Drs. Zarkasi syam
Dr. Amir Faisol, M.Pd
Dra. Hj. Khadijah
Drs H. M. Hafiz, MA
Drs. M. Thahir, M.Hi
Drs. M. Noor Abka
Drs. H. Husni El Hilali, M.Pd
Drs. Saman Sulaiman, M.Ag
Drs. Habibuddin Ritonga, MA
Drs. Fahrurrozi Rusli, M.Pd
Drs. Nasrun, AR
Drs. Lukman Edy
Dr. H. Zulfa Ahmad
Drs. H. Kasful Anwar, M.Ag
Kholid Musyaddad, S.Ag, M.Ag
Drs. Muhammad Junaid
Drs. Akhtiar Deman, M.Ag
Dra. Hj. Rizki Tarkiyanti, M.Psi
Dr. Lias Hasibuan, MA
Dr. Amril, MA
Dra. Nurazmi Aziz
Drs. Hasaniuddin
Drs. Abd. Syafi’I, MA
Dr. H. Khumaidi
Drs. H. Usman Nasution
Dra. H. Anna Firdaus
Dra. Hj. Rizki Tarkiyanti, M.Psi
Drs. H. Suhar, AM, M.Ag
Drs. Mukhtar Damsyah
Drs. Zainah Bafadhal
Drs. M. Rafiq
Dra. R. Magdalena
Dra. Saidah Ahmad, M.Pd
Dra. Latifah Adnan
Drs. Wahab, M.Ag
Drs. Imran, M.Pd
Drs. Ali Usmar Nasution
Drs. M. Hurmaini, M.Pd
Drs. H. Kasful Anwar, M.Pd
Dra. Sartiati
Dra. Siti Ubaidah
Dra. Hasnidar Karim
Drs. Alfian
Drs. Constantin
Dr. H. Ahmad Syukri, MA
Drs. Kms. Imron Rosyadi, M.Pd
Minnah El Widdah, S.Ag, M.Ag
Drs. H. Hidayat, M.Pd
Drs. H. Wawan Arwani, M.Ag
Ali Murtado, S.Ag, M.Ag
Drs. A. Rizalman
Drs. Mursyid, M.Pd
Drs. M. Syahran, M.Pd
Drs. M. Syaifullah, S.Ag, M.Ag
Mahyuzar Rahman, S.Ag, M.Ag
Dra. Risnita, M.Pd
M. Fadhil, S.Ag, M.Ag
Drs. Umil Muhsimin, M.Pd
Ratna Sari Dewi, S.Pd, M.Pd
Yusria, S.Ag, M.Ag
Drs. Faisyal, HM, M.Pd.I
Monalisa, S.Pd
Najmul Hayat, S.Ag, M.Pd.I
Habib Muhammad, S.Ag, M.Ag
Ida Riyanti, S.Ag, M.Pd.I
Tabroni, S.Ag, M.Pd.I
Drs. Evi Supandi, M.Pd
Drs. Mahluddin , M.Pd.I
Drs.Mahjardi, S.Pd, M.Pd
Drs. A. Gani Sulaiman
Abd. Malik, S.Ag, M.Si
Drs. Sunarto
Drs. Ilyas Idris, M.Ag
Dra. Fadillah
Drs. Ali Musa Lubis, M.Ag
Dra. Najmi Laili
Dra. Huda
Mahmud, MY. S.Ag, M.Pd Lectureship Lead
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Lectureship Lead
Lectureship Lead
Lectureship lead
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Young Ordered
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Expert Assistant
Young Ordered
Young Ordered
Lectureship Lead
Lectureship Dean / Lecturer
Assistant of Dean I
Assistant of Dean II
Assistant of Dean III
Assistant of Rector I
Assistant of Rector II
Head of Tadris
Head of PAI
Head of KI
Assistant of Rector III
Director of Pasca
Head of KI
Head of Arabic Lecturer
Head Program of D.2

(Documentation of Tarbiyah Faculty, 2006/2007)

2. Tarbiyah Students' Condition

No Department Number of Students
1 Tadris Department 525 persons
2 Arabic Department 99 persons
3 Islamic Education Department 396 persons
4 KI Department 69 persons
5 DII Department 410 persons

(Documentation of Tarbiyah Faculty 2006/2007

3. English Student's Condition

Semester Male Female
I 29 Persons 29 Persons
III 20 Persons 31 Persons
V 31 Persons 17 Persons
VII 22 Persons 18 Persons
IX 18 Persons 20 Persons (have graduated)

(Documentation of Tarbiyah Faculty 2006/2007

4. Facility of Tarbiyah Faculty

1. Facility of Tarhiyah Faculty in Campus Telanai

No Facility Numbers
1 Official Administration 1 building
2 Classroom 10 classroom
3 Language Laboratory 1 building
4 Library 1 building
5 Mosque 1 building

(Documentation of Tarbiyah Faculty 2006/2007

2. Facility of Tarbiyah Faculty in Campus Sei. Duren

No Facility Numbers
1 Official Administration 1 building
2 Classroom 12 classroom
3 Language Laboratory 1 building
4 Library 1 building
5 Mosque 1 building

(Documentation of Tarbiyah Faculty 2006/2007


A. Test Validity
1. Skill Translation Test
In constructing a valid skill translation test was used in this research, it focused on the content validity of the test. Content validity skill translation refers to which the instrument, it should be concerned with the test. At the subject of translation how to inter-active translation test procces.
2. Mastery Grammar Test
To sustain the content validity of the test that was used in the reseach, it focused on the content validity of' the test. Content validity grammar mastery test by using standarized grammar test. the test are related to simple. present test, simple past tenses, simple Oresent tenses, continious tenses, simple future tenses, and simple perfect tenses in of senteses. therefore, the instrument were take from "understanding and using English grammar". the instrument represent to content of interest in assessing the content validity of measuring instrument, it should be concerned with the test. at subject of grammar how the interactive in grammar test procces.

Table : Number of test question validity test for translation skill.

1 6 11 16 21
2 7 12 17 22
3 8 13 18 23
4 9 14 19 24
5 10 15
20 25
Table : Number of test question validity test for grammar mastery

1 6 11 16 21
2 7 12 17 22
3 8 13 18 23
4 9 14 19 24
5 10 15 20 25

B. Students' skill to translation some Familiar Tenses in Form of Sentences.
The Researcher had applied The Designed Test Items, 'which consisted of 25 items to the same subject twice within the interval twenty days. The Number of Fifth Semester Student taken as sample is 45 students. However, in The First Test only 38 students attended in the class. In The Second Test, there were 23 students attend The Class. Therefore their scores were omitted. It was done because, The Researcher concerned with reliability of the test. As students' scores both in the first test and second test are required to find reliability. So, the Score of The Students who only followed the test once couldn't be used. It means, there were only 23 students whose scores were used to find the reliability of the test.

No Subject x x2 y y2 xy mean
1 LENI KUSMALINA 68 4624 76 5776 5168 72
2 FIRMANSYAH AYUSDA 82 6724 42 1764 3444 62
3 ALI MUKTI 82 6724 82 6724 6724 82
4 ENI SATRIA 82 6724 38 1444 3116 60
5 DIAN YULIANA 24 576 76 5776 1824 50
6 FAIQOH 38 1444 78 6084 2964 58
7 M.JHONI 38 1296 42 1764 1512 39
8 FADHLAN 26 676 58 3364 1508 42
9 JOUSMAIL MUSTAQIM 60 3600 66 4356 3960 63
10 HENDRI 52 2703 52 2704 2704 52
11 LINAWATI 82 6724 84 7056 6888 83
12 SRI UTAMI 26 676 56 3136 1456 41
13 SUHARDI 34 1156 64 4096 2176 49
14 PARSAULIAN HARAHAP 30 900 66 4356 1980 48
15 SHODIKIN 24 576 56 3136 1344 40
16 AZIS 8 64 62 3844 496 35
17 NANI AFRIANI 46 2116 68 4624 3128 57
18 NOVA PUTRI HARYANTI 50 2500 68 4624 3400 59
19 RAFIQ 48 2304 68 4624 3264 58
20 SITI FADHILAH 58 3364 76 5776 4408 67
21 YULIANTI ATMAJA 52 2704 64 4096 3328 58
22 SITI RAHMAH 48 2304 66 4356 3168 57
23 SHOLEH HAFIDZ 56 3136 82 6724 4592 69

The Result of The Correlation between The First Test and the Second Test is 0,085. Then, The Result was consulted with the Product Moment Table. In Product Moment Table, N = 600 with 5 % Significance, r = 0,080. and 1 % Significance r = 0,105, It proves that The Result of The correlation between The First Test and The Second Test is Bigger than Product Moment Table.

r =

Based on data in table below, The Correlation Coefficient of the test is as follow:

r =

r =

r =

r =

r =

r = 0,085

Based on fact above, it is concluded that the test of Students' Translation skill Some Familiar Tenses in Form of Sentences is reliable. Subsequently, The Test can be utilized as The Instrument to measure Students' Translation skill Some familiar tenses in form of Sentences.

C. Discussion
Having analysed the data from The Result of The Scores, it is found out that The Percentage mean of the students' Translation Skill some Familiar Tenses in Form of Sentences is 56,5 % ( 1301 x 100 : 23 ). It means that the students translation skill on The Fifth Semester Students in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of The State Institute for Islamic Studies in Academic Year 2003-2004 in Translation Some Familiar Tenses in Form of Sentences is Insufficient, because its percentage is under 60 %.
Table : The Frequency Distribution of The Test Result of The Students' Translation Skill some Familiar Tenses in Form of Sentences in The First Test (x)

Score Interval Grade/Level Mark Frequency Percentage
91-100 Excellent - - -
81-90 Above Average 82 (4) 4 17,4%
71-80 Average - - -
61-70 Below Average 68 (1) 1 4,3%
51-60 Insufficient 52 (2), 5 6 (1), 58 (1), 60 (1) 5 21,7%
41-50 Poor 46 (1), 48 (2), 50 (1) 4 17,4%
< 40 Very Poor 8 (1), 24 (2), 26 (2), 30
(1), 34 (1), 38 (2) 9 39,1%
Total 23 98,19%

Table : The Frequency Distribution of The Test Result of The Test Result of The Students' Translation Skill some Familiar Tenses in The Second Test (y)

Score Interval Grade/Level Mark Frequency Percentage
91-100 Excellent - - -
81-90 Above Average 82 (2), 84 (1) 3 13,0%
71-80 Average 76 (3), 78 (1) 4 17,4%
61-70 Below Average 62 (1), 64 (2), 66 (3), 68 (3) 9 39,1%
51-60 Insufficient 52 (1), 56 (2), 58 (1) 4 17,4%
41-50 Poor 42 (2) 2 8,7%
< 40 Very Poor 38 (1) 1 4,3%
Total 23 98,27%

From table above, it can be seen that. there are improvement or growth of The Students Translation skill some Familiar Tenses in Form of Sentences. For example in The First Test there are 9 students were in very poor category, but in The Second Test only one student were in very poor category. Next, in below average category, in The First Test there are only one student got it, but in The Second Test there are 9 students were in it.
Next, in The First Test there are one student get score 8 (score with 2 of correct answers) and there are 2 students get score 24 (score with 6 of correct answers) these students included in very poor category. But in The Second Test there are only one student were in very poor category.
This Fact can be seen from The Result of The Scores Distribution either in The First Test or in The Second Test, which show that almost 78,2 % of The Students at lle First Test and 30,4 % of The Students at The Second Test got low score (under 60 %). The Score are categorized in insufficient score. It indicates that most of The Students have weakness in translation Some Familiar Tenses in Form of Sentences. This fact can be seen in table.

D. The Correlation Between The Mastery of Grammatical with the students' Capability in Translation.
The correlation between grammar mastery to translation skill, we will know how big the correlation the students' can be able in grammar and their skill in translated some familiar tenses in from of sentences.
The correlation between grammar mastery to translation skill, we will know that with the table above, because the table above proof to us. if the students' are not mastery in grammar, hence he/she will not good in translation.
For collaboration, we must be able to know, what is the definition of the correlation, the mastery, the grammatical (grammar), the capability and the translation (translate).
1. Correlation
Correlation is closely related or connected of two things, or show such relation between two things. In other word make close relationship or connection of two things. (Oxford Dictionary, 1995 : 97).
2. Mastery
Mastery is great skill of knowledge to do something for specific purposes. (Homby, 1974 : 777).

3. Grammar
Grammar is explanation that describe the rules for forming words and making sentences (Sentence is a group of words that creates complete meaning or sense (Wren, 1981: 1). declares that at one level these units are words. So, it can be inferred that a sentence is a serial of words that has subject, predicate, object to make a complete sense, or the rules in making sentences according to the rules of grammar. (Homby, 1974 : 182).
In this chapter, script-writer will discuss about some familiar grammar, which are consist of Simple Present Tenses, Simple Past Tenses, Simple Present Continuous Tenses, Simple Future Sentence and Simple Perfect Tenses in form of sentences. 'Re script-writer will discuss about the conception and the usage of that Tenses in a simple sentences.
4. Skill

Skill is power to do something that physical or mental, cleverness, intelligence or special natural power to do something, skill or power to do something. (Homby, 1974 : 2).
5. Translation (Translate)
Translation or translate is put something in form of written or spoken in different language. (Oxford Dictionary, 1995 : 441).

E. Solutions

To overcome The Students which had low score or The Students where in very poor category above The Researcher should be make some solutions. The Solutions should be for lecturers. Students and institutions.
1. For Lecturers, The Script-Writer Proposes The Things; The First, they should teach The Students all kinds of tenses in form of Sentences through The Subject of Structure 1, 11, 111 and IV, Speaking, and Writing or in the other subject that have relation with English. Secondly, The Teaching and Learning of Tenses should be designed by using The Methods. These Methods enable The Students to be active in The Classroom and to avoid using Monotonous Method (depend on one method of teaching). Thirdly, The Lecturers after Lecturing Process should give drills to the Student, so that The Lecturers can monitor whether The Students can understand and master the materials or not. Fourthly, The Lecturers should give more practices to The Students, which are taken from standard test such as TOEFL and the teacher made test. The Fifth Way, the Lecturers had better give more practices to thee Students to study about tenses in the form of text. The Students should be familiar to face The Test in The Form of Passage of Texts. The Sixth Way, The Lecturers should give reinforcements to The Students by giving feed back after checking students' drills, practice, and homework. This way will motivate and more knowing their weakness in English. The Seventh Way, the Students should teach all kinds of tenses from the easiest one to the most difficult one. This will allow students to study about tenses completely. 'It means that The Students will study about tenses in step-by-step way. Lastly, the Lecturers had better inform The Students about Grammar Book that will he used in Lecturing Process. this will help the students to study more after they study the material in the classroom.
2. For The Students as English Department Students, they should be able to understand and master all kinds of tenses in form of sentences. To overcome the factors of difficulties that faced by The Students, The Script Writer proposes The Solutions as follows; Firstly, The Students should follow .The Classes of Subject Structure I, II, III and IV, Writing and Speaking, etc. They should come in every meeting, if they miss the classes they will lose some important information concerning the material. Secondly, they had better ask The Lecturers. In The First Meeting whether they will study about tenses or not, it yes, what Kind of Tenses they will have. Thirdly, The Students had better do every drills, practice, homework and teacher made test. It will help them to be familiar with various Kinds of Tenses, beside that they will not be confused if they always face The Test of Tenses. Fourthly, The Students had better ask The Lecturers to various examples of The Using of Tenses in Form of Sentences that always emerge in scientific writing as descriptive, argumentative or comparative writing. By studying The Using of Tenses in Form of Passage or text the students are not. Confused if they face The Test taken from The Text or Passage. Because, as English Department Students, they will read any kinds of reading text, which may be, consists of The 1Jsing of Tenses impersonally. Lastly, The Students should have many Kinds of Grammar Books as References. These books are very important to support their success in Studying English.
3. For Institution, IAIN STS Jambi as state owned University should add The Professional English Lecturers who qualified in English Field. Then, provide complete facilities to support The Success in Lecturing Process such as Library with up to date and complete books. Next, This Institution should also conduct English Seminars, Workshop and Scientific Writing Competitions or Scientific Debate Competitions in Relation to English Lecturing. This will encourage students to study and master their field study.
Those Conclusions proposed above are hoped can help to overcome Students' difficulties in Lecturing Process especially in Tenses. In addition, they can be used not only to overcome students' difficulties in Lecturing Tenses but also to overcome other difficulties in other subject to increase their ability in each Subject of English.



A. Conclusions

In research of the fifth semester' students` of English department of Tarbiyah faculty found as:
1. In observation of the fifth semesters' student of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty, the researcher found that; the students never take the material about grammatical specifically, even, they never learn about these materials specifically from the subject that have relation with these materials. As we know the material about grammatical is parts of structure lesson. Actually, they have learned about these, but it's only tentative, or they get it from their school before, not from their lecture in this institute.
2. Having analysed the data from the result of the scores, it is found out that the percentage mean of the Students' capability in translation some familiar tenses in form of sentences is 56,5 % ( 1301 x 100 : 23 ). It means that the capability of the fifth semester students in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of The State Institute for Islamic Studies in academic year 2003-2004 in translation some familiar tenses in form of sentences is Insufficient, because its percentage is under 60 %.
3. To overcome the students which have low score or the students where in very poor category above the researcher should be make some solution for lecture the script. Writer proposes the seventh way things. for the students should be able to understanding and master all kinds of the tenses in form sentences. The script writer proposes the fifth way things. for institution should add the professional English lectures who qualified in English fied.

B. Suggestions

In order to improve the Students' capability in translation some familiar tenses in form of sentences, the script-writer proposes some suggestions for those who are concerned with this study; English lecturers who are dealing with English subject at college.
Firstly, the teaching of Tenses which emphasize in its different in using it at sentences should be explained and taught wholly. This material not only learnt in subject Structure, but it also can learn in other subject like writing and speaking, etc that has relation with structure. This can be gained through allocating more time for the teaching of this component. So, the students will understand the appropriate using of Tenses in certain sentences and in certain condition that should be used and cannot be replace by another.
Secondly, the lecturers of English should give more exercises or assignments about the differences of using tense of form of sentences. This can make the students more understand about the differences in using Tenses. In addition, to overcome the very limited English lecturers, the institution should add the English lecturer by procurement, Just qualified and master English lecturer can be selected.
Thirdly, the institution should provide the facilities as English books in library institution. And then, the language laboratory should be accessible by students.
Finally, the students should apply the knowledge that they get from the class, in their daily conversations. So that. They will apply the function of 1 tenses that has to be used in certain condition not only in written form but also in spoken form. So, this can avoid them creating persistent error.

C. Closing Word

With say Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, due to blessing from Allah SWT the writer can finish this thesis. And as human being, the writer has limitation to make something be perfectly. Therefore, any contractive critics will be well come for improvement this thesis and as the better improvement for the writer in making such writing at any time.
And writer would like to express thanks a lot for all of friends and who has help the writer to accomplish this thesis.

Jambi, 13 Juny 2007.

Ghufran Ana Matosa
NIM : T.I.I. 20. 0616


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